Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Preliminary Task - Evaluation and Voiceover


In my preliminary task, I have decided to start my video with my brother opening the door to reveal what’s on the other side (establishing shot) and him walking through it and end my video with him walking out of it towards the camera. I thought that this is a tidy way of ending the video as it ‘loops around’ to the same shot as the beginning again. By showing the 180-degree rule, two shot and shot/reverse shot (0:09 to 0:34), I placed them in different orders during editing so to capture different emotions and facial expressions from these different camera shots.
What I thought went well was that I have recorded more than what I need in case I may want those shots in the final video and that I have made sure that I had demonstrated match on action during the filming process. What was difficult was that I had to film at a time where the sun sets rather quickly, therefore I had a time limit and I cannot waste any time during my filming as this may interfere with my editing later on. This is because I want to demonstrate match on action effectively.
What I would do differently if I were to do this task again, would be to choose an earlier time during the day for my characters to meet therefore I would have natural light for longer and more time to work on the production. In my two shot, both of my characters wasn’t completely in the frame, therefore cuts out any critical facial expression from them. As I wasn’t able to move back any further due to a wall in my way, I would choose a different location so I am able to have both of my characters shown my two shot.
What I have learnt from the preliminary task is that every successful piece of film has these simple shots of 180-degree rule, match on action and shot/reverse shot which helps develop the characters on screen and build relationships between each other. I have also learnt that it can be quite difficult to get match on action correctly recorded as the height or an angle on the tripod can easily be changed and become noticeable therefore making the preliminary task seem amateur. What I have gained from this preliminary task is that now I know what to avoid in the main task and what to add in effectively.

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