This website has links to past media student's media work which I think is a very important resource. It has relevant link to this year's tasks which is very useful and shows that the site isn't at all dated.
This site shows both coursework and exam work from both ex-AS and A2 students. There are photographs or print screens of student's work. When the image is clicked, it takes us straight to the blog of the student where we could compare our work to theirs and gain inspiration.
This website also gives us links to other useful website for A Level media students.
This blog is created by Elaine Humpleby of Sprowston High School and it is connected with partnered blogs of media and photography students of GCSE years and A-Level years.
I find this a very useful resource , full of inspiration as it conjures up ideas that would make me want to do better for my own main task.
For example: looking at 'AS Media Studies Jessica White' blog , I firstly see her final main task which is a Film Noir style video.
The video started strongly with the background music setting the mood of the viewer , it gave an uneasy atmosphere instantly as the background sound was 'screechy' and 'crindgy'.
Then I eventually spotted some continuity errors which I then learn to look out for when I get onto producing and editing my main task.
Great you've been on here, but now go one step further again - talk about what you've learnt enjoyed from being on here; whose work did you like appreciate and why? Will you be 'borrowing' any of the ideas that you saw here?