Thursday, 29 December 2011


I have been filming myself with the help of mirrors and 'test-filming' beforehand.
In this scene, which I had situated myself in, I am seen getting ready to go out and 'fixing' my appearance in the mirror.

The types of shots that I have experimented with was a close up on the mobile phone, the use of mirror in the background which the camera focused on - so to gradually reveal my character one cut at a time, an over-the-shoulder shot and a type of 180-degree rule which is more apparent post-editing between the two characters communicating on the phone.

[more to come]

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Monday's Filming

It's Monday morning and I'm feeling relieved to finally film this last piece in the city.
The shoppers have lessened, thus making filming much more simpler and dialogue more coherent.
Before any filming, I have asked permission to film outside of Game by one of the shop assistances and they had allow me, as long as I do not get in the way of shoppers, etc. which is understandable.

The first shot that I had filmed was an establishing shot of Game and Jason walks into the frame from the right to the centre.
The next shot of of Jason walking mid-shot into the frame, he looks around him for me and then he starts to ring me to see where I am.
After the conversation, Jason walks into Game and his doppelganger walks out from Game.

To think that everything flowed fine, I noticed by looking back through the footage that Jason had his glasses on the whole time when it wasn't from earlier shots!
As I had only noticed this when we're out from the city and Jason had to go to his class, I improvised and made up a very quick scene when he puts on his glasses during his 'journey towards the Game'.

Next, I'll have to film myself to edit into the phone conversation.

Saturday Filming Delay

Oh my, I'm disappointed to say that I weren't able to film on Saturday because one of my actors wasn't out of bed to film! So I thought quickly on the spot for improvisations so my Opening Title Sequence can still flow effectively.

My new idea now is to film on the following Monday, where it'll be less busy than it was on a Saturday during the lunchtime-rush in the Christmas period.
My OTS now will have the storyline of Jason's journey to the city and hoping to meet up with myself outside Game. 
Then realising that I'm not there, to then ring me, which then I'll be indoors having a conversation with him on the phone. I will show the 180-degree rule during this conversation.
Next, Jason will be seen entering Game to browse and finally, not long after - his doppelganger will walk out of Game just a few seconds after.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Preparations For Filming Part Two

I have checked the weather again to prepare myself to film the second half of my main task and the weather looks promising therefore I don't need to re-film from the beginning again to avoid continuity errors.

[insert screenshot of recent weather for Saturday]

I will view over my previous recording from last week to check what my character , Jason and his doppelganger was wearing.

I will ask Game if I am able to film just the outside of their shop, telling them that I will make sure that the game and console names aren't too prominent in the shots (due to copyright).

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Filming (Part One)

I had started filming on Saturday but only half of what I needed because Jay's voice wasn't up to the highest standard that I needed because he has a cold and a sore throat. Therefore I only filmed the first half of the opening sequence of my main task with Jason, which went well!
I will be filming the rest next Saturday and hopefully the weather will be similar then (I heard it's going to snow!) or else I shall re-film everything again.

I have asked permission from Swallow Games to film outside and inside their shop, they are fine with it as long as I don't get in the games and console names due to copyright.
When I had to film the outside where Jason had to walk into the shop, a man who works in the shop next to Swallow Games asked what I was doing, so I explained and in the end he doesn't mind me filming, just make sure that their shop wasn't in the shot! I respected his request, as I was open to improvisation within the filming.
Then when I get to film inside, it was difficult because there were so many game names out on display, so I tried my best and I should think I am able to blur any visible names during the editing process.

I had decided to film an outside of another shop which was Ye Olde English Sweet Shop for another 'sighting' of the doppelganger for the audience. I had asked permission from the shop assistance and she was fine with it!
The problem was that it was very awkward filming whilst trying to make it look like it flows whilst all the busy shoppers past the camera. But I eventually got the footage I needed and I am happy it didn't took long to get!

Friday, 2 December 2011

"Doppelganger" Filming Sequence

Here is my detailed filming sequence which I will have with me as well as a copy of Jason and Jay's script. This will help me keep track on what I need to film and when, so it will make my editing a lot more easier and I should produce professional-looking results post-editing.

“Doppelganger” Filming Sequence
*means camera movement*, [costume/prop that’s needed] and type of shot used

  • *Faces front door, establishing shot* Jason [grey jacket, purple headphones in] comes out of door, checks time on phone, then heads towards gate
  • *Stand near house, long shot* Jason walks towards fencing and starts to walk to city
  • *Still, facing ground, high angle* Jason walks past, shot of legs and feet
  • *Still, long shot* Jason walks from left to right of frame
  • *Still, long shot* Jason walks from left to right of frame, but different background location
  • *Jason’s POV, hand-held shot* Walking towards city
  • *Still and faces Swallow Games, establishing shot* Jason walks from left of frame to the shop window, which is on the right of the frame
  • *Still, same shot, establishing shot* Get the shot of him walking out of shop then exit to the right of frame
  • *Still, medium shot* Jason ‘searches’ window and decides to walk in
  • *Inside shop, long shot to medium shot* Jason walks through shop door and walks towards games which are near the camera
  • *Jason’s POV, hand-held shot* He picks up a games which will subtly signify what’s going to happen next?
  • *Still, medium shot* He puts the game down and starts to text Jay
  • *Jason’s POV, hand-held shot* He texts out the message “Meet @ Game?”
  • *Still, medium shot to long shot* Finish texting and walks out of shop
  • *Still, medium close up* Doppelganger [black coat and glasses] walks out of shop through door
  • *Still, medium shot* Shot of the sweet shop door, doppelganger walks out and walks to the right of frame
  • *Still, long shot* Jason walks past the shop door, from left to right of frame
  • *Still, establishing shot* Jay outside Game, waiting. Checks phone for time. Doppelganger walks past Jay, he notices
  • *Still, same establishing shot* Jay rings Jason on phone
  • *Jay’s POV, hand-held shot* See back of doppelganger’s head. Lost his in busy crowd. “Jason?”
  • *Still, long shot to medium shot* Jason walks towards camera then answers phone. “Hello?”
  • *Still, medium shot* Jason faces left, (near Waterstones) background of shoppers passing by DIALOGUE
  • *Still, medium shot* Jay faces right, background of Game shop. DIALOGUE
  • *Still, medium shot* Jason still facing left, ends call and looks around suspiciously and starts to walk
  • *Jason’s POV, hand-held shot* Walks towards Game, then doppelganger walks in front briefly then walks away
  • *Still, long shot* Jason walks from right to frame towards Jay
  • *Still, medium two-shot* Each speak one line of dialogue
  • *Still, 180-degree rule* Dialogue: Jay, Jason, Jay
  • *Jay’s POV, hand-held shot* Looks directly at Jason. Jason looks around.
  • *Jason’s POV, hand-held shot* Looks directly at Jay. Jay says “Wanna go into Game?” Notice double walk past.
  • *Tracking shot, hand-held shot, close up* Looks directly into doppelganger’s eyes

"Doppelganger" Script

Here's a copy of my script that I have given to both of my actors, Jason and Jay.

“Doppelganger” Script

When Jason’s doppelganger walks past Jay who’s waiting outside Game
Jay: *confused* Jason?

Jay rings Jason, Jason answers phone.
Jason: Hello?
Jay: Jason, where are you going? We said to meet at Game!
Jason: What are you talking about? I’m on my way!
Jay: *very confused* Whaa? You just walked past and blanked me!
Jason: *hesitated* Jay, whoever you saw, isn’t me! I’m not far from Game, so see you soon! Bye!
Jay: *concerned* Ok, bye!
Jason ends the call and looks around suspiciously

Jason arrives at Game and meets up with Jay
Jay: *looks at Jason’s clothes* Um, why did you change your clothes?
Jason: Seriously, what are you talking about?
Jay: I saw you earlier and you were wearing a black coat.
Jason: I don’t own a black coat! It can’t have been me!
Jay: I don’t know what you’re up to but you blanked me earlier!
Jason looks around him – seemingly paranoid
Jay: Anyway, you wanna go into Game?
Jason looks from Jay and notices on the left of Jay his doppelganger walking slowly and gives direct ‘empty’ eye contact

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Preparing To Film

I really do hope both of my actors are available to film this weekend as I am pretty excited to film and very surely to produce one of my best work so far in Media!
I will use my gained skills from my preliminary task (match on action, shot/reverse shot, 180-degree rule and two shot) in this main task and really test my recording skills.

How I am going to prepare for this is to:

*make sure my camera battery is fully charged the night before.

*make sure that I have cleared enough memory in my SD card to record every single scene that I may need.

*take my tripod with me to get still, professional-looking shots when I don't need to record POV shots.

*make sure that I have a change of coat and glasses for one of my actors and his 'doppelganger' and the correct props.

*type up and print out simple scripts for my actors to rehearse over, so they are able to have a natural, flowing conversation between each other through the phone as well as in person.

*print out an extra script for myself as well as a easy-to-follow shooting sequence so it is easier for me to shoot what scene on the day.

*ask the Manager or shop assistance of Swallow Games if I'm allowed to do a bit of filming in their shop - if not , I will improvise.

*check the weather forecast on that day. I have checked on BBC Weather and Saturday is going to be sunny at the time I'll be filming! Here's a print screen:

-also, if Saturday is too soon for filming, Sunday's weather seems promising too:

*decide for sure what time of day I shall start filming. I think I should start filming at 10am, leaving plenty of time to 'start the journey' to the city whilst filming parts of the way. I shall start filming in Anglia Square at 11am then film during lunchtime-ish when I want a busy atmosphere to contrast with my actor's seemingly calm characters.

Monday, 28 November 2011

Extended Ideas And Extra Research !

I will be using my Panasonic Lumix G10 DSLR as my film camera of choice as well as my tripod for some shots for 'smoother viewing' (not all jagged and difficult to watch) which will then contrast with my Point of View shots where I'll be the character's eyes (held in hand, more natural movement).

Audience research: The target audience for my film would be for those who are 15 to 25 years of age if I were to complete the OTS into a film. The audience are a similar age range to my characters in my OTS, therefore easier to relate.
From the British Board of Film Classification, a 15 certificate states:


Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualised.

Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is also unlikely to be acceptable. There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence but any portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and have a strong contextual justification."

Typography: My title will show up as 'Doppelganger' in an outlined font as this would represent what a doppelganger is: the same on the outside but different, almost empty on the inside. It will be the colour black as this colour represents evil and death.

Location: My chosen locations for my main task would be from the outside of the character's house, through Anglia Square as well as the city. This makes this situation seems like it could happen to any ordinary person - whether they have been a good person or not and this would hopefully play on the viewer's beliefs and make them paranoid after watching this.

Lighting: Natural lighting from outdoors (hopefully it won't be too murky when I film). This would break the convention of negative situations happening only at night therefore playing on the viewer's paranoia as well.

Sound: I will be using diegetic sounds throughout my main task as well as subtle background music. The background music will hopefully affect the viewer's mood without them realising - like a subliminal message.

Costume: My 'normal' characters and the doppelganger will be wearing normal everyday, casual clothing.
Props: I will have ordinary props which the characters will use and these will be:
*two mobile phones
*game case in Swallow Games
*two coats - one black and one grey
These props will help make this main task seem realistic and believable.

Casting: I have chosen Jason as my protagonist as he's reliable, confident in front of the camera, I co-operate effectively with him and he is able to point out any problems with filming as he's a fan of films.
I have chosen Jay as my other character, as he's Jason's close friend and I know that they get along well without any complications. He's confident in front of the camera and from what I know - he used to study A Level Film Studies, therefore could help out if I come across any problems.

Monday, 21 November 2011

Storyboarding 'Doppelganger'

Here is the storyboard of my main task which shows all the shooting sequence of different shots and angles I'll be using as well as the audio.

I Got An Idea !

It took me a while to think up a really good idea for this main task. In the back of my head I always wanted to film something that's rather simple yet effective.

How I came up with the idea was thinking about playing with paranoia and things out of the ordinary. I then thought 'Hmm, what about someone feels like they're being watched or followed and it escalated?'
I thought again, realised it's too cliche and then decided to go in a little deeper.

Next I thought of someone having an exact copy of themselves and it meant a bad thing!
I forgotten the name of this so I did a little research and found out that it's called a 'doppelganger'.
The definition I found from Wikipedia:
In fiction and folklore, a doppelganger (German "double walker") is a paranormal double of a living person, typically representing evil or misfortune.
From this definition, it intrigued me, so I decided to research a little more deeper until it frightened me and made me paranoid!

The plot summary of my main task is that I'll start off with one character walk from their house and decided to head off towards to city to meet up with a  friend. I'll get shots of them of their journey up there, then a few odd occasions will pop up for the viewers and not the character.
They'll pop into a shop and whilst distracted, their doppelganger walk out of the same shop.
Another 'happening' would be the doppelganger to come out from another shop and then the character walks past the shop.
Then the scene completely changes and sees the friend who's waiting and the doppelganger walks past him and seemingly blanks the friend.
The friend's confused, thought it was the character.
Next there would be a conversation on the phone between the friend and the character about the confusion.
After the phone call, the character will seem more paranoid and looks all around them.
When the two characters finally meet in person, they start to talk, then the character will notice their doppelganger and they both will give eye contact to each other.
The clip then ends.

My chosen location shots:
*outside of my protagonist's house [establishing shot]
*areas where there's some trees in the background [establishing shot]
*outside of Swallow Games [establishing shot]
*outside of Game [establishing shot]
*outside of Ye Olde English Sweet Shop [establishing shot]

Monday, 31 October 2011

Main Task - Sparking Up Ideas

"Main task: The titles and opening of a new fiction film, to last a maximum of two minutes."
In class with Craig, Charlie and Mr Codling, we now are moving away from the preliminary task onto the main task.
Firstly, we decided to record our discussion on my camera, so we can play back what we have shared with each other the ideas of our main task. I have to upload this video in my own time, so my classmates will have access to it and they can edit the video of themselves taking part in the discussion for their blogs.
Here is my part in the filmed discussion (do turn up volume high):

My ideas haven't quite sparked up yet, but I will be inspired by other thriller/horror-genre films to create my own. I know what I definitely want in my main task:
*play on common fears/phobias -or concentrate on a less-known fear/phobia and create a new common phobia;
*have small amount of characters -create isolation;
*twist conventions of a thriller/horror -audience doesn't figure out storyline so early in the film, leaves suspense;

Definition of thriller:
"Thrillers are a genre of literature, film, and television programming that uses suspense, tension, and excitement as the main elements.
A genuine, standalone thriller is a film that provide thrills and keeps the audience cliff-hanging at the "edge of their seats" as the plot builds towards a climax."

I will be watching films or segments of films that fits into thriller/horror genre, like:

Insidious (2010) - "A family looks to prevent evil spirits from trapping their comatose child in a realm called The Further."

Scream (1996) - "A killer known as "ghost face" begins killing off teenagers, and as the body count begins rising, one girl and her friends find themselves contemplating the "Rules" of horror films as they find themselves living in a real-life one." [Only watch first five minutes below]

Source Code (2011) - "An action thriller centered on a soldier who wakes up in the body of an unknown man and discovers he's part of a mission to find the bomber of a Chicago commuter train."

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Preliminary Task - Evaluation and Voiceover


In my preliminary task, I have decided to start my video with my brother opening the door to reveal what’s on the other side (establishing shot) and him walking through it and end my video with him walking out of it towards the camera. I thought that this is a tidy way of ending the video as it ‘loops around’ to the same shot as the beginning again. By showing the 180-degree rule, two shot and shot/reverse shot (0:09 to 0:34), I placed them in different orders during editing so to capture different emotions and facial expressions from these different camera shots.
What I thought went well was that I have recorded more than what I need in case I may want those shots in the final video and that I have made sure that I had demonstrated match on action during the filming process. What was difficult was that I had to film at a time where the sun sets rather quickly, therefore I had a time limit and I cannot waste any time during my filming as this may interfere with my editing later on. This is because I want to demonstrate match on action effectively.
What I would do differently if I were to do this task again, would be to choose an earlier time during the day for my characters to meet therefore I would have natural light for longer and more time to work on the production. In my two shot, both of my characters wasn’t completely in the frame, therefore cuts out any critical facial expression from them. As I wasn’t able to move back any further due to a wall in my way, I would choose a different location so I am able to have both of my characters shown my two shot.
What I have learnt from the preliminary task is that every successful piece of film has these simple shots of 180-degree rule, match on action and shot/reverse shot which helps develop the characters on screen and build relationships between each other. I have also learnt that it can be quite difficult to get match on action correctly recorded as the height or an angle on the tripod can easily be changed and become noticeable therefore making the preliminary task seem amateur. What I have gained from this preliminary task is that now I know what to avoid in the main task and what to add in effectively.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Preliminary Task - Editing and Final Video

I have finally edited my preliminary video , pieced sections of clips together to create the desired effect and used 'match on action' as close as possible to make to look realistic.
It didn't take me long to edit due to my chosen software, which is Mac's iMovie '09 which is fairly easy to learn the editing tools on there and very simple to use.
The final video is only 37 seconds but that shows how often these shots and cuts are used in film.

Here is the final video:

May Chung's Preliminary Task from May Chung on Vimeo.

I will upload another copy of this video with my voice over to point out where I have used 180-degree shots, shot/reverse shot and match on action.

OCR Media Studies A Level Blog and Kett Creative Arts - Review

This website has links to past media student's media work which I think is a very important resource. It has relevant link to this year's tasks which is very useful and shows that the site isn't at all dated.
This site shows both coursework and exam work from both ex-AS and A2 students. There are photographs or print screens of student's work. When the image is clicked, it takes us straight to the blog of the student where we could compare our work to theirs and gain inspiration.

This website also gives us links to other useful website for A Level media students.

This blog is created by Elaine Humpleby of Sprowston High School and it is connected with partnered blogs of media and photography students of GCSE years and A-Level years.
I find this a very useful resource , full of inspiration as it conjures up ideas that would make me want to do better for my own main task.
For example: looking at 'AS Media Studies Jessica White' blog , I firstly see her final main task which is a Film Noir style video.
The video started strongly with the background music setting the mood of the viewer , it gave an uneasy atmosphere instantly as the background sound was 'screechy' and 'crindgy'.
Then I eventually spotted some continuity errors which I then learn to look out for when I get onto producing and editing my main task.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Preliminary Task - Filming !

On the Sunday 2nd October, at around 6pm till 7pm, I have done my filming for my prelim' task.
As my siblings hadn't acted and been filmed before, they took ten minutes getting comfortable being on camera and laughed out their nervousness.

We had a couple of takes of the opening scene, where my little brother has to open the door and we see my older sister reading the newspaper. This is where my actors start to laugh as they found it a tad uncomfortable and nervous but they grew into their roles fast.

As this time of day the sun sets really fast , so I had to make sure I have everything I needed on tape in the correct order.
I have made sure that I have used 180-degree shots and shot/reverse shot when filming.
I then looked over the recorded material and I was happy with what I got for that day.

Friday, 30 September 2011

Theory Theory Theory !

Firstly, in the introductory lesson with Ms Brown, we had to summarise a favourite film of ours and mine was Scott Pilgrim vs the World.
This film is based on a graphic novel series by Brian Lee O'Malley and it is a geeky comedy with comic book elements. It is like a romantic comedy as the main character, Scott, played by Micheal Cera, has to defeat seven evil exes to win his girl of his dream's heart, Ramona, played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead.

We then list the Key Concepts, which are:
*Language - especially visual, including dialogue;
*Institutions - people involved in advertising, sound, etc.
*Audience - the target audience of a certain media;
*Representation - stereotypes, meanings, etc.

We can remember these Key Concepts by remembering 'LIAR' !

We also did a stereotype exercise, where we were given a character and put it in a spider diagram. My character was 'baby' and I've listed out typical characteristics like:
-easily influenced

Finally, we finished this lesson by watching and analysing the first episode of The Body Farm.
The Body Farm is a British forensic crime drama about a group of forensic scientists solving crime. It is said to be a spin off from another TV series Waking The Dead.

My homework was to write down my initial thoughts of The Body Farm and to watch another British drama - I chose to watch an episode of Holby City.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Preliminary Exercise - Continuity Task (so far!)

'Preliminary exercise: Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom s/he then exchanged a couple of line of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule'

Firstly, I have planned out my task on paper - noted down what I want to film.
This piece of film will set in my dining room at home, with natural lighting coming from the window and I will have my younger brother and older sister as my main characters. The main props that I will have my characters to use will be a school bag with a exercise book from school in it , a chair and a newspaper.

I have also created a storyboard of three pages long (four frames on each page), of what I want to film.
In the first frame, I'd have a close up on the brother's hand as he opens his bedroom door. This will be shot from his point of view. Here we'll have a sound of the door opening.

Within the second frame, we still see the shot from his point of view and we see the sister on the other side of the room reading a newspaper and she glances at him then back to her paper again.

In the third shot, we see from the sister's POV, reading the newspaper/ Then she hears the door opening.

The fourth frame, the sister glances at the brother briefly then back to her newspaper.

In the fifth frame, we see from the brother's POV walk towards the sister and then sits down on the chair opposite her.

The sixth frame, we see a 'two-shot' where we see both charaters on the side. The brother sits down and goes into his bag to get his exercise book out. He then starts looking through the book. The sound of paper rustling and bag zipping.

In the seventh frame, still in two-shot, the first piece of dialogue is spoken by the sister.
Sister: So, little brother, how was your day at school today?
[This shot will now change to the 180-degree rule shot, where the camera is angled at the siter as she speaks]

The eighth frame, we now go into the 180-degree rule and we see an angle of the brother as he replies: "Oh, nothing much, just the usual."

The ninth frame, we see from the brother's POV as we see the sister reply: "Ah, alright. So what have you got there?"

The tenth frame, the shot then goes to tow-shot and the brother says: "Just some English homework. Need to get it done by tomorrow. Oh, I forgotten my pen!"

In the eleventh frame, from the sister's POV, she sees the brother walk back to his room.

Finally, in the twelvth frame, we see the brother walk towards the camera into his bedroom and see the sister in the background continue reading her newspaper.